Privacy Policy

Furoomate Ltd collects both personal and anonymous data when you visit our websites or communicate with us. "Personal data" refers to information that can identify you, such as your name, address, phone number, email address, and any other details linked to these identifiers. "Anonymous data" refers to information that is not associated with your personal data and cannot be used to identify you. We gather both types of data as described below.

We may collect personal data such as your name, contact details, country of residence, postal code, and gender when you place an order on our sites or choose to use various services we provide. Additionally, we gather personal data that you voluntarily share with us, such as when you make a purchase, participate in surveys, respond to questionnaires, or enter competitions. If you provide feedback about our sites or services via email, we will collect your name and email address to respond accordingly.

Your privacy is important to us, and this policy explains the types of information we collect, how it is used, and how we safeguard it. By accessing our website at ("Website") or using our services, you agree to the practices outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Information Covered by This Privacy Policy

Personal Information: This refers to any information that can directly or indirectly identify an individual, either alone or combined with other information. Personal information may include your name, address, email address, phone number, identification number, or location data.

Aggregated Information: Information may be aggregated and/or anonymized. When information is aggregated, it is combined with data from other customers and users. Aggregated information that includes personal data remains considered personal information until anonymized.

Anonymized Information: Information that is anonymized can no longer be linked back to a specific individual. For instance, data on the number of views for a video or ad on the Website is anonymized and cannot be used to identify you personally. Typically, usage data collected from Website visits is aggregated and anonymized to make it unidentifiable and is not treated as personal information.

Children’s Personal Information: Our Website is not intended for children under 16 years of age (or the applicable age limit in your jurisdiction), and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 16. If we learn that we have inadvertently collected such information, we will delete it from our records. If you believe we may have collected personal information from a child under 16, please contact us at

Information We Collect

Account Information and Customer Support: You may provide us with personal information when you fill out forms on our Website, register an account, or contact us via phone, email, or social media. This includes information provided when you register on our Website, apply for discounts or extended warranties, subscribe to our services, search for products, place orders, participate in discussion forums, or engage with other social media features. The personal information may include your name, address, email address, phone number, and other contact information.

Device and Technical Information: We automatically collect the following information when you visit the Website:

  • Technical information such as the IP address used to connect your device to the internet, browser type and version, time zone settings, browser plug-ins, operating system, platform, and language preferences.
  • Information about your visit to our Website, including the full URLs, products viewed, page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, videos viewed, page interaction data (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and more.

We use cookies to collect device and technical information. Cookies are small text files sent from your browser or accessed from your device’s hard drive, containing a unique identifier, user preferences, and browsing history. The Website uses several types of cookies:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies: Essential for the Website’s functionality.
  • Analytics/Performance Cookies: Help us analyze how visitors use the Website, allowing us to improve it.
  • Functionality Cookies: Recognize you when you return to the Website, providing a more personalized experience.

We also use analytics services like Google Analytics to gather additional data. Generally, these services do not identify individual users. You can learn how to opt out of Google Analytics data collection by visiting

Information from Other Sources: We work closely with third parties (e.g., business partners, technical service providers, payment and delivery services, advertising networks, analytics providers) and may receive information about you from them.

How We Use the Information

We use the information we collect for various purposes that align with the reason you provided it or that are directly related. Specific uses include:

  • Creating your account on our Website;
  • Facilitating your purchase or download of our products;
  • Verifying your account or transaction;
  • Registering your product in our database;
  • Fulfilling our contract with you and delivering products and services you’ve requested;
  • Providing customer support;
  • Managing and participating in customer promotions and surveys;
  • Providing you with information about product usage, such as new features, fixes, outages, or upgrades;
  • Assisting us in developing new products and improving existing ones;
  • Sending you information we think you may find of interest (if you have consented to receive marketing communications);
  • Notifying you of changes to our Website, products, and our terms and policies;
  • Managing internal operations of the Website, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, and research;
  • Improving our Website to ensure that content is presented most effectively;
  • Ensuring the security of the Website;
  • Regulating any interactive features you choose to participate in, such as forums or chat rooms;
  • Assisting you in navigating the Website;
  • Helping you remotely access and use certain product features;
  • Providing advice about internet usage and home energy management;
  • Measuring and analyzing advertising effectiveness and serving personalized ads;
  • Identifying which parts of the Website and products are most useful to you.

Sharing Information

Under no circumstances do we rent or sell your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes. We only share your personal information with third parties for marketing if you have authorized us to do so.

We share personal information in the following cases:

  • Within Furoomate for data processing or storage purposes;
  • Across Furoomate, including subsidiaries, affiliates, and business divisions, all of which use your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy;
  • With business partners, service providers, third-party agents, or contractors to deliver the services or transactions you’ve requested;
  • With parties involved in a merger, acquisition, or asset sale;
  • To comply with laws or legal processes (e.g., responding to subpoenas or court orders), fulfilling government reporting obligations, or exercising our legal rights;
  • To protect our legitimate rights or those of others, such as brand protection, investigating violations, or preventing fraud.

We also share aggregated and anonymized information with third parties for trend analysis or service improvement.

We ensure that any third party we share personal information with adheres to privacy principles and uses the information only as agreed.


You have the right to opt out of our use of your personal information for marketing purposes. We will inform you before collecting your personal information if we intend to use it for marketing and will provide an opt-out option.

You can opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in our emails or sending an email to

Data Storage

The data we collect from you may be transferred to, stored, and processed at global locations, including the United States. It may also be processed by Furoomate employees or contractors who may be located outside your country of residence.

We will take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is treated securely and in compliance with relevant data protection laws. By providing your personal information, you fully understand and agree that Furoomate may transfer, process, and store it globally.

Our Privacy Policy is designed to provide consistent protection levels worldwide. This means your information is handled in line with this Privacy Policy and applicable laws, regardless of your location.

Accessing and Updating Your Personal Information

We need your help to keep your personal information accurate. If there are changes to your information, please notify us promptly. You can access and update your personal information and communication preferences by:

  • Clicking the “unsubscribe” link in any email we send;
  • Emailing us at with the relevant update information;
  • Logging into your online account on the Website to make changes.

We will honor your requests to correct inaccurate data, transfer data, delete personal information, or provide a copy of the personal data we currently hold. If you are located within the European Economic Area (EEA), you also have the right to withdraw consent, restrict processing, or object to the processing of your data.

If you have any additional privacy-related questions, feel free to contact us.